Your users will greatly benefit from technical breakthroughs that seamlessly address data
transfer rate, interrupted connections, and various hardware configurations for a convenient,
trouble-free download and installation over the Web. End users frequently do not
need all the files contained in an installer. Previously, on-line users faced an often-daunting
task of either downloading complete installers or choosing just the right installer for their
system. MindVision’s Active Web Installer technology simplifies the user experience by
first downloading a small installer which can retrieve just the pieces needed for the user’s
specific requirements.
Users will benefit from reduced download times, reduced risk of download glitches, and
the most up-to-date software available. Developers will benefit from reduced server loads,
as well as an increase in customer satisfaction with the downloading and installation experience.
In addition, MindVision’s technology provides developers with unprecedented f lexibility
in choosing when to offer updates and enhancements to on-line users. The Active
Web Install technology automatically handles interrupted connections and corrupted files.
When a connection is interrupted, previously downloaded files will remain intact on the
end user’s system and the remains of the active file being downloaded at the time of the
interruption will automatically be removed. When the end user reconnects, the download
will continue with the interrupted file and finish downloading the remaining files.
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