Thong bao moi ve buoi hoi thao cua APU tai Hanoi

Nhan loi moi cua truong DH Quoc Gia Hanoi, Giao su Nakagami, hieu pho truong APU se den Hanoi va to chuc 1 buoi hoi thao ve APU vao ngay 14 thang 5 tai khach san Nikko.

Muc dich buoi hoi thao: gioi thieu ve APU, thong bao ve tuyen sinh, giai dap thac mac.

Doi tuong: tat ca nhung ai quan tam den APU. Dac biet APU rat mong cac em hoc sinh lop 10, 11 den tham du de co the tham khao va dinh huong viec chon truong trong tuong lai.

Dac biet: do nam nay APU mo rong truong ( them khoa moi, dong thoi xay them ky tuc xa, nha an, cac toa nha danh cho viec hoc tap...) vi vay APU tuyen sinh voi so luong lon dot xuat. Mac du thoi han dang ky chinh thuc cho ky nhap hoc thang 9/2006 da het nhung truong van tao dieu kien cho cac ban dang ky them. Vi vay rat mong cac ban den du hoi thao de biet them chi tiet.

Thoi gian, dia diem cu the va 1 so thong tin chi tiet khac minh dang confirm lai voi Admissions office cua APU. Minh se thong bao ngay khi co thong tin moi.

DO Dieu Huong
Day la thong tin chi tiet co Kawano (nguoi phu trach ve tuyen sinh tai khu vuc chau A' cua APU) vua gui cho chi. CHi paste lai nguyen van buc thu, co gi thac mac cac em co the reply tai day, chi se tra loi som

There are 3 sessions as below. Nakagami-sensei will attend at the first

May 14th (Sun.): 14:00-17:00 APU Recruiting Fair (First Session)
Presented by Prof. Nakagami and Mr. Kameda
May 15th (Mon.): 15:00-17:00 APU Recruiting Fair (Second Session)
Presented by Mr. Kameda
18:00-20:00 APU Recruiting Fair (Third Session)
Presented by Mr. Kameda

Please inform the students to come by the time the session starts. (1st
session 14:00, 2nd session 15:00, 3rd session 18:00)
The room is changed sometimes. Therefore, please just tell the venue of
Nikko hotel. They may ask at the reception about the room on the day. I
think they will also put a sing at the lobby.

If they want, it's possible to submit their applications there. Also, for
those who would like to take interview there, Mr. Kameda will conduct
it. I strongly recommend applicants to be interviewed directly because
sometimes it's difficult for us to contact them after receiving applications and
takes time to conduct telephone interviews. It's not good for the applicant
as he/she do not receive the result until taking their telephone interviews.
If they want, it's possible to submit their applications there.

Cau nay co nghia la ngay tu bay gio cac em co the chuan bi ho` so de vao truong. Neu cac em chuan bi nhanh va hoan thanh truoc ngay 14,15 thang 5, cac em co the nop truc tiep cho Prof. Nakagami va Mr. Kameda.

Ho so co 2 cach:
1. viet email cho [email protected], ghi ro ho ten, dia chi, dien thoai.. va yeu cau ho gui ho so giay ve nha cho em. Tuy nhien cach nay mat thoi gian, co le phai 1 tuan sau em moi nhan dc ho so, nhu vay la sau buoi hoi thao roi

2. Lam truc tuyen. Em len, phia ben tay phai co dong chu: oversea application, click vao do, lap 1 account va lam theo cac buoc ho huong dan tren mang. Cach nay se nhanh hon. Chi khuyen nen dung cach nay

Ngoai ra con 1 so giay to can thiet nhu Bang diem, thu gioi thieu cua giao vien, 1 so giay chung nhan ve thanh tich van hoa, van nghe cua em...thi em cung nen tim ra het, di photo, dich cong chung ngay.

Neu nhu cac em chua the hoan thanh ho so truoc 14,15 thang 5 thi cung yen tam, cac em co the nop ho so qua mang, 1 so giay to can thiet nhu chi noi o tren, ko the nop qua mang thi cac em co the gui qua buu dien.

Nhu co Kawano noi, cac em nen phong van truc tiep ngay tai buoi hoi thao cua APU, nhu vay se thuan tien hon cho APU trong viec xet tuyen sau nay, tiet kiem thoi gian, cac em se biet ket qua som hon.

Tu tin len nhe, co hoi nhu vay ko co nhieu dau :)

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